Golden Aura Quartz Crystal bracelet with hand cut beads

Brilliant golden aura made from pure quartz crystal infused with precious metals custom made for me - each bead on this bracelet is unique as they are individually cut.  Quite extraordinary and one-of-a-kind.  The beads have then been soaked in water with The Atlantean Orb for its high vibration and qualities of bringing in awareness, peace and joy!
Inspired by the healing elements of nature, I use precious metals, gemstones, aqua aura quartz, diamonds, and moldavite in my healing jewelry. I soak my crystals with the Atlantean Orb imbuing them with the special frequencies. For custom spiritual jewelry, call Liz Alpert at 305-799-7617.

Introducing our new store in Sedona, Atlantean Healing Jewelry! The purpose of all the pieces is to bring in light and higher frequencies to help raise your vibration! Come in and get energized by my crystal jewelry.

Please click on the image below to visit our new healing site,!